Te Extraño Honduras!

One year ago today, I got on a plane and went to Honduras. I had no idea how much I would be effected and how my life would change by getting on that plane. Honestly, when I look back it still sometimes surprises me that I even committed to the spring break trip to begin with; I am not super big on outdoor stuff, I hate bugs, and I like being clean. But what a blessing from God that he gave me the courage to go. During that week in Santa Elena, I got to meet so many new people and experience things that just don't happen in the states. After getting back to the Baylor Bubble last spring, I was desperate to go back, but I was hesitant to let that desire fully develop. Was this just a mission trip high? Was I so exhausted that I was incapable of coherent thoughts? So I waited.

Thanks be to God, I got to go back to Honduras in July and see some of these same faces! But that very first trip was truly a defining event in my life. God taught me about humility and courage and total reliance on Him. He blessed me with new relationships and connections. I had the privilege of working with Heart to Honduras and seeing how their ministry is growing the kingdom of God. 
I still can't believe that this trip was a year ago, but a not a day has gone by where I don't miss and think about the people and the country that I fell in love with. I don't know if I'll get to return there, but I'm hopeful that Jesus will send me back. Te extraño Honduras!


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